- Supplier becomes as TCA Party.
- Suppliers Sites as TCA Party Site for each distinct address.
- Contacts for each supplier/address , it means Single supplier address and contact can be leveraged by multiple sites, for each OU
- A single change to an address can be seen instantly by all OUs
- No longer need to manually 'push' updates across OUs.
Supplier and Bank Info in R12:
The data model for storing Banks and Bank Account information has changed for this release of the Oracle Applications Suite.
Banks and their Branches are now each stored as Parties (in HZ_PARTIES) in their own right. They are linked together through Relationships (in HZ_RELATIONSHIP). There is a separate link for both Bank to Branch and also from Branch to Bank.
The Bank Accounts themselves are now stored in the new Oracle Payments Application. All tables are prefixed with the Application Short Name, IBY. The bank accounts themselves are stored in the IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS table. The bank_id and branch_id fields link the Bank Account to the relevant Bank and Branch Parties in the HZ_PARTIES table.
Now, linking the Bank Account to the relevant Supplier is a bit more involved. The table
IBY_ACCOUNT_OWNERS can be used to identify the Supplier Party that the Bank Account belongs to. This is done through linking together the following tables IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL and IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL. A record is created in the Payment Instrument Uses table IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL for each assignment of a Bank Account. This record is linked to the bank account by matching the ext_bank_account_id to the instrument_id. Now, each Instrument Record links to an External Payee Record held in IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL using the ext_pmt_party_id. It is the External Payee Record that links us to a Supplier Party ID (payee_party_id), Supplier Party Site ID (party_site_id) and Supplier Site ID (supplier_site_id).
There is a record stored in the IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL table for every Supplier Site defined and for the supplier itself (Bank Accounts can be defined at supplier level too). The IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL is a pointer to the specific Site/Supplier that the Bank Account has been assigned to.
As an added complexity in R12, links to Suppliers are now created in the TCA. Suppliers have a Party Record and Supplier Sites have Party Site Records. As part of this functionality shift, Suppliers and their Sites have now moved to AP_SUPPLIERS and AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL (although the unique keys are still called VENDOR_ID and VENDOR_SITE_ID respectively!!). The old PO tables used in 11i and before are now created as views which link the Supplier Records to their related TCA records (i.e. PO_VENDORS links AP_SUPPLIERS with HZ_PARTIES and PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL links AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL with HZ_PARTY_SITES).
Tables holding info about Suppliers in R12:
As mentioned in my previous post, Supplier information is moved to R12 and below are some of the important tables involved:
This is the
master table for Suppliers instead of PO_VENDORS. As usual PARTY_ID will be
referenced in the other related tables.
This table
stores the Party Usages, for example, in this case it captures the fact that
the given party_id is of type SUPPLIER
This table
captures additional Supplier information,
for example,
credit scoring details of Supplier or the Number of Employees working in
Supplier Organization.
table captures Payment related details of the Supplier.
How should the supplier's remittance advice must be sent?
What is the default Payment method Code for this supplier?
Who bears the bank charges when lets say SWIFT payment is made?
information can be setup at either the Supplier level or at Supplier Site
HZ_PARTIES, this is another master table that replaces the PO_VENDORS table
of 11i. Instead of expanding the design of HZ_PARTIES, oracle decided to hold
the supplier specific attributes in AP_SUPPLIERS.
table holds the mapping between the AP_SUPPLIERS.VENDOR_ID and
HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID. This is useful in cases whereby two vendors
effectively belong the same HZ_Party Record.
taxation related details like Tax Codes, and Tax Accounts etc have been moved
from AP into ZX. ZX is the name of a new Application "E-Business
Tax". Effectively this application is the Tax repository/Taxation Engine
for e-Business Suite starting from R12.
This table
holds all the TAX_RATES. In simple words it is the replacement for the 11i
This table
also falls under the module ‘E-BUSINEES Tax’ and it holds the details about
the Accounting setups for the each TAX_RATE.
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