Oracle Tables with Suffix _ALL, _TL, _B, _F, _V, _VL, _S, _A, _AVN and _ACN

Oracle Tables with Suffix _ALL, _TL, _B, _F, _V, _VL, _S, _A, _AVN and _ACN, AskHareesh Blogspot

Oracle Tables with Suffix _ALL, _TL, _B, _F, _V, _VL, _S, _A, _AVN and _ACN

_ALL  Table stores all the information about different operating units in a Multi-Org environment.

_TL are multi language tables 

_B these are the BASE tables.

_F these are date tracked tables, 

_V tables are the views created on base tables

_VL are views for multi language tables 

_S are sequences, used for finding new values for the primary key of a table.

_A are Audit Shadow Tables

_AVN and _ACN are Audit Shadow Views 