Balance Adjustment : A correction you make to a balance. You can adjust user balances and assignment level predefined balances only.
Balance Dimension : The period for which a balance sums its balance feeds, or the set of assignments/transactions for which it sums them. There are five time dimensions: Run, Period, Quarter, Year and User. You can choose any reset point for user balances.
Balance Feeds : These are the input values of matching units of measure of any elements defined to feed the balance.
Balances : Positive or negative accumulations of values over periods of time normally generated by payroll runs. A balance can sum pay values, time periods or numbers.
Bargaining Unit : A bargaining unit is a legally organized group of people which have the right to negotiate on all aspects of terms and conditions with employers or employer federations. A bargaining unit is generally a trade union or a branch of a trade union.
Base Summary : A database table that holds the lowest level of summary. Summary tables are populated and maintained by user-written concurrent programs.
Beneficiary : A person or organization designated to receive the benefits from a benefit plan upon the death of the insured.
Benefit : Any part of an employee's remuneration package that is not pay. Vacation time, employer-paid medical insurance and stock options are all examples of benefits.
Block : The largest subordinate unit of a window, containing information for a specific business function or entity. Every window consists of at least one block. Blocks contain fields and, optionally, regions. They are delineated by a bevelled edge. You must save your entries in one block before navigating to the next.
Budget Measurement Type (BMT) : A subset of Workforce Measurement Type. It consists of a number of different units used to measure the workforce. The most common units are headcount and full time equivalent.
Budget Value : In Oracle Human Resources you can enter staffing budget values and actual values for each assignment to measure variances between actual and planned staffing levels in an organization or hierarchy.
Business Group : The business group represents a country in which your enterprise operates. It enables you to group and manage data in accordance with the rules and reporting requirements of each country, and to control access to data.
Business Group Currency : The currency in which Oracle Payroll performs all payroll calculations for your Business Group. If you pay employees in different currencies to this, Oracle Payroll calculates the amounts based on exchange rates defined in the system.
Business Number (BN) : In Canada, this is the employer's account number with Revenue Canada. Consisting of 15 digits,the first 9 identify the employer, the next 2 identify the type of tax account involved (payroll vs.corporate tax), and the last 4 identify the particular account for that tax.