Oracle Apps Interview Questions - 4

Oracle Apps  Interview Questions,

46) What is meant by APPL_TOP?
An operating System variable that describes an aspect of the environment in which your application runs. For example, you can define an environment variable to specify a directory path. 26

$APPL_TOP: An environment variable that denotes the installation directory for Oracle Application Object Library and your other Oracle applications. $APPL_TOP is usually one directory level above each of the product directories (which are often referred to as $PROD_TOP or $PRODUCT_TOP or $<prod>_TOP).

47) Explain briefly where are the Custom.pll, Forms, Reports, Sql Loader Control files, Shell Script source code and executables files kept?

  •       Custom.pll - $AU_TOP/resource
  •       Forms - $PROD_TOP/Forms/US
  •       Reports - $PROD_TOP/Reports/US
  •       SQL Control Files - $PROD_TOP/Bin
  •       Shell Scripts - $PROD_TOP/Bin

48) When is Custom.pll used?
Custom.pll is used while making new or customizing standard oraclke forms in apps. It contains all the forms libraries for apps.

49) What are profile options; at what levels can these be set?
A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way the applications run. Oracle Applications object Library establishes a value for each option in a user?s profile when the User logs on or changes responsibility.

  • System Profile: - Profile option can be set for the user community.
  • User Profile: - Provide Oracle Apps with standard information which describes a user, Application, Responsibility and site. At each profile level user profile options can be set.
50) How can you know the form (fmb) name when you open a form in Apps?

51) Where do you create a table and sequence in Apps? Is it APPS schema?
In custom schema and then grant privileges on it to APPS schema.

52) Where are Views and Procedures created? 27

  • Views: - Views are to be created only in APPS.
  • Procedures: - In custom schema and the grant it to APPS schema.
53) How can you tell who last updated a particular row in a form?

54) You have logged onto a Responsibility, how do you know what operating unit are you on?
55) Can new profiles be created? If so how?
Yes. Application Developer.

56)How do you register a report? Explain passing of parameters between a concurrent program Definition and report?After developing the report (.rdf), FTP it to the UNIX server.
Define executable.
Define concurrent program and attach the executable.
Attach the concurrent program to a request group.

57) What is the approach to create a new form to be used in Oracle Apps?
The TEMPLATE form is the required starting point of all development of new forms. Start Developing each new form by copying the TEMPLATE.fmb file, located in $AU_TOP/forms/US(or your language and platform equivalent), to local directory and Rename it as appropriate.

58) Explain Value Set? Difference between a Table Validated and Independent Value Set?
A set of values against which Oracle Application Object Library validates values your end users enter when running your program. You define your value set by specifying validation rules, format constraints and other properties. For example, you could define a value set to contain values that are character strings, validated from a table in your application. You can Specify that oracle application Object Library use the same value set to validate different Report parameters. You can also use value sets that you use in your flex fields to validate Your report parameters.

59) How do you create a table validated value set dependent on another value set?
Use :$FLEX$.<Value set name> in the where condition.

60) What is difference between a concurrent request and a concurrent request set?

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